Nostri Servizi
Offriamo prodotti, soluzioni e servizi in tutto il settore automobilistico. Supportiamo i nostri clienti nel loro cammino verso soluzioni più sostenibili.
Energize Society With Sustainable Energy!
Sfoglia tra i nostri servizio e mettiti in contatto con un nostro consulente.

L’autodemolizione con un parco di tanti veicoli (bisarche, carrelli e carroattrezzi) appositamente attrezzati offre la possibilità di ritirare qualsiasi veicolo fuori uso.
- Demolizione autoveicoli
- Ritiro per terzi
- Ritiro programmato

Il servizio, custodisce l’esperienza e la professionalità maturata nell’assistere gli automobilisti con tempestività ed efficienza: una tradizione importante, maturata in tanti anni di attività.
- Contatto immediato
- Disponibilita' immediata
- Soccorso efficiente

Autodemolizione sottopone a trattamento di riduzione volumetrica per l’invio al recupero le carcasse dei veicoli non riutilizzabili.
- Riciclaggio con sistemi avanzati
- Tracking dei materiali
- Generazione reportistics

Ricambi Usati
VENDIAMO, sia in Italia che all’estero, RICAMBI USATI da recupero. Contatta ora il nostro team per ulteriore assistenza.
- Alta qualita' prodotti
- Prodotti garantiti
- Possibilita' di essere contattato quando il prodotti diventa disponibile.

Trasporto Conto Terzi
Metti in contatto con un nostro consulente che ti guiderà per intero periodo dalla presa in carico alla conclusione del ritiro per terzi.
- Presa in carico in tempi rapidi
- Consulente dedicato per intero processo
- Trasparenza totale

Rottami ferrosi
Ritiriamo i rottami e in seguito (se necessario) ne facciamo il trattamento meccanico con cesoie per la riduzione volumetrica e li prepariamo per la successiva consegna alle acciaierie.
- Rottami Ferrosi
- Rottami non Ferrosi
- Guidato durante intero processo
Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!
Providing Value To Our ClientsThrough Ongoing Product & Innovation.
While improving the yield and performance of solar energy products, our PV industry experience enables us to provide in-depth material sourcing, financing and supply chain expertise for every step.
Raw polycrystalline silicon for PV manufacturing. Offered in various grades and formats including chunks, chips, powder and ingot.
Save Your Money
Save money on utilities or increase the value of your home by installing solar panels as a great option.
Home Is Energy
Everyday the sun provides us with abundance of free energy by placing solar panels on your roof.
Consult & Planning
Our remote industrial solar systems are designed to reliably power our clients critical remote locations.
Certified Engineers
Our sales engineers on our staff have experience and can design any complete solar system.
Sustainable, reliable & affordable energy systems, Find Your Solution Now!
As a world wide distributor of solar supplies we endeavor provide fast and knowledgeable service, we can get all the materials you need by sea or air.
- Emergency Line: (002) 01061245741
- Location: Brooklyn, New York, USA
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Years Of Experience In
The Solar Industry
Customers Doing it Their Way!
Energia has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!! They were fantastic through the entire purchase process. Had lots of questions and they were patient. When my system arrived, it was well packed.
Energia has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!! They were fantastic through the entire purchase process. Had lots of questions and they were patient. When my system arrived, it was well packed.
Energia has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!! They were fantastic through the entire purchase process. Had lots of questions and they were patient. When my system arrived, it was well packed.

John Peter
Eco Systems

Martin Hope
Pro Systems

Sami Wade
Wade Sys